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Free Microsoft Office suite for iPad, iPhone, and Android tab-lets/phones

发表于 2014-12-13 11:58:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
网名: ozchen999
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简介(一句话描述): 與好友分享網路天地, 相許提升精神領域.
Free Microsoft Office suite for iPad, iPhone, and Androidtab-lets/phones

You'llno longer need an Office 365 subscription to edit docu-ments or store them inthe cloud. You can download Microsoft Mobile for your iPad/iPhone from theiStore or for Android from the play store. You only need a Microsoft account toaccess the package.
Microsoft Mobile Office on your portabledevices
"It’san extension of the strategy that we’ve got," explains Microsoft's head ofOffice marketing Michael Atalla. "It’s not a total strategic shift, asmuch of an extension of the existing strategy." Microsoft offers freeOffice apps online, and Atalla argues that recent development model changesinside Microsoft have allowed the company to open up editing functionality tomobile clients. "We’re taking that same user experience we pro-vide onlineto the native apps of iOS and Android. We want to make sure that our cus-tomerscan be productive across all the devices they have."
Microsoft is restricting advancedauthoring, analysis, presentation, as well as limiting storage with OneDrive,chart element customisation and track changes to paid custom-ers.
Accessdocuments from virtually anywhere:
·       Cloud – With your phone, you canaccess Office documents that are stored on OneDrive, OneDrive for Business,Drop Box or Share Point.
·       Recent Documents – Office Mobile iscloud-connected. The documents you’ve re-cently viewed on your computer arereadily available on your phone in the recent documents panel.
·       Email Attachments – You can view andedit Office documents attached to email messages.*
Office documents look stunning:
·       Great-LookingDocuments - Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents look great on yourphone, thanks to support for charts, animations, SmartArt Graphics, and shapes.
·       Optimisedfor phone - Word, Excel and PowerPoint have been optimized for the small screenof your phone.
·       ResumeReading - When opening a Word document from OneDrive or OneDrive for Busi-nesson your phone, it automatically resumes at the place where you left offreading, even if you last viewed the document on your PC or tablet.
·       PresentationViews - The Slide Navigator view in PowerPoint lets you browse slides faster,while speaker notes help you practice your presentation.


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